Pancake Realty Co., Inc.

Property Management

Pancake Property Services, a sister agency of ours, offers complete Property Management and Rental services in WV. Property Management and Rental services in Ohio are provided by Pancake Realty Co.  We dedicate a full-time team to our property management and rental services.  That assures our clients of the right amount of attention to detail and to their property, attention that is hard to provide if you just manage property on the side.

We know that Property Management is not a "one size fits all" proposition.  We offer custom solutions to fit your particular needs.

Whether your management need is long or short-term we can help you with your problem.  Are you a Trustee?  We know the needs of those in Fiduciary positions and can help you achieve the goals of your client.  Are you a lender service agency or a lender who has a multi-family property on their hands?  We can help you sort out the details of who is living there, what they pay, etc.  

Contact us today to talk about the right solution for you!


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